Doctor of Philosophy
University of Birmingham, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies 2011-2019
Creative Spaces for Creative People
A study of Urban Regeneration and the Creative Community
online: thesis
Bohemia: Any place where one could live and work cheaply, and behave unconventionally;
A community of free souls beyond the pale of respectable society.
Master of the Arts
University College for Creative Arts, Rochester 2005-6/De Montford University, Leicester 2007-8
Photography (MA)
The Big Picture
A study of large-scale traditional photography
(essay online)
Hand-printed Monochrome Study:
The History of The Granby Hotel, Nottingham
(link to book)
Thoughts, observation, conversation and opinions miscellaneous blog, comments and articles
The objects of THSP are to carry on activities for a philosophically beneficial purpose,
concerned with the regeneration of disused property in support of the creative community,
and the conservation of wild species and the natural environment through research and artistic pursuits.
LinkedIn : Dr. Robert Howie Smith ... Instagram : @dr_roberthowiesmith