From 2011-2019, as case studies to a PhD study,
THSP obtained use of empty
and disused property,
developing space for creative and artistic pursuit,
providing opportunity for community use, exhibitions, events,
and education in arts related practices.
Alongside the academic research, independent regeneration projects were created and documented in
line with the studies,
in Nottingham, Leicester and Southwell, exploring their potential
and supporting possibilities.
The results of this study are now published online:
Creative Spaces for Creative People:
A study of Urban Regeneration and the Creative Community
The Howie Smith Project (THSP) recognises and supports:
Regeneration – Identifying buildings, that are
an unnecessary eyesore in the community, for their potential,
will set
about a change in neighbourhood decline and provide hope from despair
in the recovery.
Social Impact – Each project has an impact on society,
creating affordable and variable space from dereliction,
involving the
community, and understanding the needs of the creative community.
Environmental – THSP take on widespread environmental issues
dealing with dereliction,
and consider alternate methods of working practices
and methods encouraged by alternate technology and energy sources.
Recycling and Waste – Wherever possible it is important
to use recycled materials, wood, brick, paint, furniture, equipment etc.,
to cut down on excess that goes to landfill.
THSP work locally with business
to make use of waste products, and offer recycle opportunities.
Community – There are many people in the community that
benefit from creating space for community artistic uses
and each project
hopes to outreach to all interested parties and outline how they can be
Volunteer Opportunities and work experience – The creation
of space involves the participation of volunteers
eager to support each
project and are core to each success.
Volunteering falls into the many
categories of each project from administration, management, construction,
public services, education and learning. There are many opportunities for skill-share.
Mentoring / Training – Working with volunteers it is important
to provide a level of understanding of the individual,
their needs, their
circumstances, seeking positive interaction and encouragement.
THSP works to ensure health and safety standards are met and sustained.
Employment/Self-employment – Success of each project, on
a financial level, leads to the opportunity of employment
within the project
structure, and the prospect of earning individually through utilising
space as a self-employed person,
opportunity to develop, teach; consider
education in the arts, development, creativity and expression.
Financial Sustainment – THSP supports to a level of profitability,
developing methods of financial support
and exploring techniques of fund-raising
from mostly within.
Independence – THSP wants independence for each community
project and the people working within each project,
to ensure the needs
of the community are met.
THSP supports the artists and artists groups
to achieve independence for the benefit of their development.
Education – Alongside the learning aspect of volunteer
work, the creation of space allow community members
to teach their skills
to the wider population. Providing equipment and facilities is an important
part of each project,
ensuring the tools and equipment are available for
growth within the spaces provided.
Creating Space – Aids artistic growth – providing
space for artists to work and develop and promote individually,
yet with
the collaborative support of the artists community within each project
and across projects.
A platform is provided for live music, theatre, performance,
exhibition, installation, teaching, events and community practice.
Tourism – The spaces provide an artistic interest, a point
of education and promotion for the arts
and therefore fit into tourist
Art – THSP encourages the diversity of the arts and how
it utilises alternate spaces,
and supports the freedom of expression within
the arts.
Artists supporting Artists.
Bohemia: Any place where one could live and work cheaply, and behave unconventionally;
A community of free souls beyond the pale of respectable society.
The Business Desk
UK Metro
Business East Midlands
Faceiro Day 347
Left Lion Rebel Writers Trail
(YouTube: RobertHowieSmith)
(YouTube: Dr RobertHowieSmith)